- Champignon mushrooms 4
- Chicken livers 200 g
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVO) as required
- Fresh Tuscan bread or mountain bread 4 x 700 g slices
- Frying Seed Oil as required
- Garlic 1 clover
- Onion 1/4
- Pepper to taste
- Red Wine 1 glass
- Salt to taste
- Thyme as desired
Mince and sauté garlic and onion with a little EVO oil. Add the chicken livers and, once browned, season with salt and pepper, then simmer with wine. Once reduced, add Pomì fine tomato pulp and complete the cooking. Add more salt if needed and let it rest.
Oven-toast bread with a little EVO oil and some thyme leaves, slice the mushrooms thick, then flour and fry them in a generous amount of hot seed oil; drain and let them dry on a paper towel.
Arrange the dish laying the hot bread slices with livers on them, sprinkle a generous spoonful of fried mushrooms, a little EVO oil and finally serve.